a passion for precision

few things have held my attention with the voracity that my profession now does. growing up was an unceasing ebb and flow of interests that lingered loosly before being replaced by the next. Each subject providing just enough excitement to be faintly missed as the next took its place. Not until discovering the intricacies of cinematography and photography did I feel my appetite for art, craftsmanship, and technical precision were truly satiated.
This path is now one I gladly follow.

This ever evolving space is full of fascinating technical achievements, boundless expressions of art and creativity, and career opportunities unlike most other industries. But it is also one laden with many frustrations, hurdles, and setbacks. I hope you’ll be able to use the resources I’ve gathered here to help you along your own journey.
Have an upcoming project and need a hand? You can contact me directly from this website. From there we can lay the groundwork for working together on your upcoming project. For more full-scale productions please visit my production company website at www.pinnaclephoto.com